Oasis in the Pines Mission

Oasis in the Pines exists to strengthen Christian leaders by cultivating hope, help, and healing.

Oasis in the Pines Strategy

Through spiritual rest, renewal, and reflection in the context of a caring community, Oasis in the Pines provides a sacred space to strengthen Christian leaders so they can humbly and confidently live out their gospel calling and make disciples.

What is Oasis in the Pines?

Oasis in the Pines will be a ministry to provide a place and program for pastors, ministers, and missionaries to come and rest, renew, recharge, and realign so they can continue to fulfill the ministry God has called them to, from a place of health and strength. Pastors will be hosted in Care Cabins and will be strengthened and renewed through:
• Rest and Renewal.
• Silence and Solitude.
• Interactive experiences utilizing Williams Lake and land.
• Christ-centered counseling, and spiritual direction through Hope Road Counseling.
• Relational support from the Oasis Team and Co-Participants.
• Leadership coaching from the Oasis Pastor and other Mobberly staff as helpful.

Why Oasis in the Pines?

The Lord began laying this ministry on the heart of Pastor Gregg Zackary in 2017 while on vacation with his family in Colorado. He shared with his wife that Tina it would be great to invite ministers and their spouses to a restful place like they were experiencing and host them and love on them, and give them a safe place to rest and share their burdens.

That next year, Gregg was given the opportunity to help launch and lead Hope Road Counseling. From the very beginning, this ministry had a focus to come alongside ministers to both help them with their counseling load and with personal counseling support for them and their families.

Following a personal bout with depression in 2020, Gregg was blessed to attend SonScape Pastor’s retreat in Divide, Colorado. During this retreat, he felt God’s call more personally and intentionally to begin a ministry that would provide help and hope for those who are in ministry and may be suffering personal or leadership challenges. Since that time, he has been blessed to work with Texas Baptist pastors, providing coaching and support through the PAVE Revitalization training.

In December 2023, Pastor Andrew Hébert, Lead Pastor of Mobberly Baptist Church, asked Gregg to consider leading the Oasis Project by developing and leading a ministry utilizing Mobberly’s land and working with Hope Road Counseling for pastors, ministers, and missionaries.

Earlier this year, Gregg began serving as Oasis Pastor and has been blessed to begin working with the Oasis Advisory Launch Team to begin planning and developing this ministry.

Feel led to give?

Three ways you can invest in Oasis in the Pines:

1. PRAY for the development and launch of this strategic ministry. You can sign up for monthly prayer updates for ongoing prayer support.

2. VOLUNTEER for various roles in the future by serving as hosts, ground keepers, light maintenance, and other developing volunteer roles. to learn more about volunteer opportunities, email [email protected].

3. SUPPORT Oasis in the Pines financially. You can support in two ways:

a. The Oasis Project Fund will help with facilities and land development. We are still working on getting bids for remodeling a home the church acquired in 2023 that will provide the initial lodging and meeting space for participants. The initial estimate for remodeling and renovation is $150,000. We will be developing plans for the land to include additional Care Cabins, walking trails, and interactive prayer spaces. There are no firm estimates for this, but the initial estimate is approximately $500,000.

b. The Oasis in the Pines Ministry Fund will provide operating expenses such as participant scholarships, travel expenses, printed materials, and supplies for participants. It is estimated that the cost for lodging, food, materials, transportation, and counseling through Hope Road will be approximately $5000 a couple for a one-week retreat.