Men's Classes
An in home Bible study for young men ages 20 – 40.
A diverse group of men – single, married and widowed. Bible study with discussion, prayer and praise time.
Women's Classes
Faithful Friends is for women of all ages. We come from all life seasons; married, never married, divorced, widowed, some raising their grandchildren and some with children still in their homes. Our class is discussion based with a little lecture.
Meeting every other week.
We are a class of mostly single or widowed empty nester ladies. Our study is video driven/discussion women’s Bible studies that include daily homework. We also enjoy some meals together, fellowships and praying together. Meeting once a month through the Summer.
A ladies class of mid-60’s to 80’s. We fellowship and study God’s word through lecture and discussion. On Tuesdays we use our gifts to minister to others in our community.
Ladies in our 70’s and 80’s growing in Christ through a lecture and discussion based study through books of the Bible. We faithfully support local and international mission opportunities while prayerfully encouraging and caring for one another.
A group of intergenerational ladies, from all walks of life. Living life together in the context of biblical community through a discussion based Bible study.