MobberlyKIDS desires to help lead children into a life-changing, ever-growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Babies up to 6th graders are involved in age-appropriate activities to help them learn, understand, and live God’s plan for their lives.
...Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."
Upcoming Children's Events

We Partner with Parents to...
· Lay foundations of faith
· Develop children as worshippers
· Develop children as prayer warriors
· Teach children to make wise choices according to God’s Word
· Guide children to recognize their need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
· Support families with fun, creative ways to enhance each child’s spiritual journey
MobberlyKIDS offers age-appropriate, relevant Bible studies, along with Preschool and Children’s Worship on Sundays. Wednesday nights, throughout the week and during the summer there are a variety of exciting activities and programs that encourage spiritual growth.
For additional information about our ministry to preschool and children please explore this website or contact our office at 903.663.7348.
When it comes to spiritual formation, church and home both have influence in the lives of children and students. However, statistics will show that parents still exercise the greatest influence on the spiritual development of their children. Merge is a Biblical approach to combine the influence of church and home. Merge helps our church and parents form a stronger, more intentional partnership to create a greater impact on the next generation. Merge is not a program; it is a lifestyle of leadership. Deut. 6:6-7 expresses God’s expectation for all parents – to lead their children to love Him above everyone and everything else.
Click the Find Out More button for questions or download Faith Talks</a href> for your family.
5 Stages of Spiritual Development:
1. Spiritual Foundation
Instilling the basic concepts of God.
2. Spiritual Birth
Beginning a relationship with Jesus.
3. Spiritual Discovery
Understanding basic Christian truths.
4. Spiritual Ownership
Taking personal responsibility for continued spiritual growth.
5. Spiritual Leadership
Learning how to use your influence for the Lord.
MobberlyKIDS of Honor
We are led by God’s Word (Romans 12:10) to help every child, birth through 6th grade, develop a heart of honor. Through activities, songs and scripture, kids will choose to learn and live God’s command to honor God, others, and themselves. CLICK HERE to learn more about Mobberly Kids of Honor, including the honor code and how you can teach and practice honor at home.
What is MobberlyKIDS of Honor?
We are led by God’s Word (Romans 12:10) to help every child, birth through 6th grade, develop a heart of honor. Through activities, songs and scripture, kids will choose to learn and live God’s command to honor God, others, and themselves.
Honor Code:
I will choose to act and speak in a way that acknowledges the God-given worth and value of others. (Preschool: I will choose to act and speak in a way that shows God and others are important.) Showing honor means that I…
Treat others as more important than myself (Preschool: *Treat others as special) Don’t do anything only to get ahead. Don’t do it because you are proud… Think of others as more important than yourselves. -Philippians 2:3
Go above and beyond what is expected (Preschool: *Do more than what is expected)
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. -Colossians 3:23
Have a good attitude (Preschool: *Have a good attitude) Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. -Philippians 2:5
When will kids learn about honor?
Every third Sunday of each month is “Honor Sunday.” All kids will have a focused time to learn and apply Biblical principles concerning honor. The Wednesday following we will focus on honor during KidsLIFE. Our children’s ministry volunteers will use honor vocabulary and principles in the classroom to encourage and lead children to recognize the God-given worth and value of others through their actions and words.
How can you teach and practice honor at home?
We are privileged to partner with parents in helping kids develop hearts of honor. Each month we will provide an activity that will help you and your family to practice honor in your home. MobberlyKids of Honor and Family Together Time Activities are taken from the book, Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes… in You and Your Kids by Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller.