Senior Adults
This group is mainly made up of couples ages 60 – 70 years. The Lindsey group seeks to follow Christ in ministry and love for one another with the goal of being like Christ. Sunday group time involves participants in a lecture/ discussion based study of the Bible.
Our group is couples and singles age 60s-70s. Strong biblical teaching and interactive discussion. Humor and freedom combine to create a relaxed environment. We seek many opportunities to serve together and enjoy sharing in times of fellowship with each other.
We are a group of couples and singles with an average age of 70. Through an expository approach to teaching we dig into each word and verse of the scripture seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance to understand and apply the truth of God’s Word. Throughout the year, we enjoy fellowships, Sunday lunches, and seek opportunities to serve one another and the community.
We are a group of couples and singles in our 60’s and 70’s seeking to grow in a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ through discussion based Bible study. Not only do we seek to support and encourage one another but strive to live our faith in such a way that it impacts our families and culture.
The Yeates Connect Group is Christ centered in prayer, evangelism, Bible study, and caring for others. We utilize our get togethers for the purpose of bringing people closer together with an opportunity to invite neighbors and friends into our fellowship. Join us and discover a warm, welcoming environment for adults 60 and up.
Couples and singles in their 60’s – 80’s. Our teachers use both lecture and discussion as together we study through various books of the Bible. Prayer, caring relationships, fellowship, and the support of missions and local ministries provide on-going opportunities for our group to reflect the love of Christ.
We are a group with membership ranging in age from 75 – 90 years old. We enjoy a discussion-based teaching style, music and singing together. We participate in local and non-local mission projects. We have a very warm and friendly fellowship with class and group activities.
Couples and singles ages 75 – 85 years old. Lecture/Discussion based Bible study, fellowship, prayer & praise time; monthly class fellowships, meals, prayers and visits to sick and shut in members.
Couples and widows/widowers ages 75 – 85. Group discussion, prayer and praise time. In addition to Sunday Bible study, we have monthly class fellowships, women’s monthly luncheons with missions projects, and support missionaries.
Our Connect Group consists of empty nesters in the 60’s-70’s range. Our team of three rotates bringing the lessons, providing various perspectives on understanding how the Bible applies to life. We are involved with helping others and have a variety of mission projects throughout the year.