Keywords: Join, Discover Membership

Discover Membership Class
March 30 9:15 am - 12:00 pm
I’m new. What is my next step?
Attend Discover Membership
If you have an interest in committing to membership at Mobberly you must attend Discover Membership. Before you complete this important commitment, it is essential that you understand Mobberly’s unique identity, strengths and expectations.
How Do I Join Mobberly?
At the conclusion of every Worship Gathering, we extend an invitation for everyone to make spiritual decisions, either by coming forward to the front of the room or by going to the Guest Central Area in any venue and speaking with a staff member.
Before committing to membership everyone must:
1. Profess your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord
2. Follow the Lord Jesus in Believer’s Baptism
3. Complete the Discover Membership Course
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.
The idea of commitment best represents membership. Making the transition from attendee to member demonstrates spiritual maturity. Before this commitment can be made it is essential and necessary to discover three basic things: Mobberly’s identity, strengths and expectations. Everyone interested in becoming a member of Mobberly is required to complete this discovery course.
Membership is for anyone willing to make the following commitments
When you are ready to commit to these expectations, you can take the next step towards membership by:
Attend a “Discover Membership” Discovery Course
Participation in Discover Membership will result in a much more meaningful membership experience as you understand Mobberly’s identity, strengths and expectations.
Keywords: Join, Discover Membership