Celebrate Recovery

January 6 - December 15  |  The Crossing

625 East Loop 281, Longview, TX, USA

Mondays   |   6:30 p.m.

Overcoming Life’s Hurts, Habits, & Hang-upsCR is a recovery program based on the eight principles from the actual words of Jesus. It is a biblically-based and balanced program that can help you overcome bondage to a variety of addictions and hurts. Over the years, the Holy Spirit has used this program to transform thousands of lives, helping each person to grow toward full Christ-like maturity. This ministry seeks to celebrate God’s healing and redemptive power in our lives by recognizing Jesus Christ as our one and only higher power.If you are ready to experience freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits, we encourage you to check out Celebrate Recovery here at Mobberly.

Note: Celebrate Recovery meets every Monday, even when holidays fall on Mondays.