Annual Rummage Sale
May 1 - 3 | Maude Cobb - Longview Exhibit Building
Volunteers needed April 26 – May 3.
If you are interested in helping email [email protected]
Donation Drop-off Dates
Monday & Tuesday – April 28-29, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Exhibit Center
Thursday – May 1, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (Mobberly Members)
Friday – May 2, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday – May 3, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Free entry for all three days. Donations encouraged. Debit and credit cards accepted.
Hosted by Mobberly Baptist Church
Proceeds go towards the Mobberly Benevolence Ministry led by the Family Services team. All net proceeds are used to help East Texas residents in need.
Kinds of Donations we are looking for:
Clean items
Working appliances and electronics with all cords and pieces attached.
Large appliances in good working condition
Good furniture with all parts
Good used clothing & shoes
Pictures, mirrors, lamps and home decor
Good linens, towels, pillows & rugs
Children’s clothes & shoes, toys, strollers, games, cribs and Pack & Plays
Tools, pet supplies, patio, yard & garden items
Office materials, supplies, arts & craft items
Sports equipment/treadmills, bicycles, electronic & other instruments
Items we cannot accept:
Mildewed/smelly items
Anything with missing parts
Damaged furniture, rugs, linens, clothes, or books
Non-working appliances, vacuums, computers or printers, televisions
Clothing with holes or stains
Cassette tapes
Out of Date Car Seats
Large pianos or organs