ELEVATION - Longview

Grades 7 - 12


Text Alerts from Elevation

Elevation Longview uses Remind as a way to contact parents and students. Find the group you belong to, and text the code to: 81010


JH Parents: @mobjh

HS Parents: @mobhs


7th BOYS: @mboys2026

7th GIRLS: @mgirls2026

8th BOYS: @mboys2025

8th GIRLS: @mgirls2025


9th BOYS: @mboys2024

9th GIRLS: @mgirls2024

10th BOYS: @mboys2023

10th GIRLS: @mgirls2023

11th BOYS: @mboys2022

11th GIRLS: @mgirls2022

12th BOYS: @mboys2021

12th GIRLS: @mgirls2021

12th Girls: @mgirls2020

When it comes to spiritual formation, church and home both have an influence in the lives of children and students. However, statistics will show that parents still exercise the greatest influence on the spiritual development of their children. Merge is a Biblical approach to combine the influence of church and home. Merge helps our church and parents form a stronger, more intentional partnership to create a greater impact on the next generation. Merge is not a program; it is a lifestyle of leadership. Deut. 6:6-7 expresses God’s expectation for all parents – to lead their children to love Him above everyone and everything else.

Click the Find Out More button for questions or download Faith Talks</a href> for your family.

5 Stages of Spiritual Development

1. Spiritual Foundation

Instilling the basic concepts of God.

2. Spiritual Birth

Beginning a relationship with Jesus.

3. Spiritual Discovery

Understanding basic Christian truths.

4. Spiritual Ownership

Taking personal responsibility for continued spiritual growth.

5. Spiritual Leadership

Learning how to use your influence for the Lord.

We have videos and resources available for parents HERE.

Download our 2023 Consent and Medical Form HERE.

To sign up for parent emails: Send your name and email address to [email protected]

For more information on camps, mission trips and other events, visit us or call 903 663 7356.